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A Poem About Nothing.... Literally (Anaphora)

I used to dream that I would grow to be 6’3” dribbling a basketball in the NBA,

being the first player to get signed to Nike to release “Just Do It” brand condoms.

Instead I’m barely 5’2”, muscular, fun sized man, who plays way too much NBA 2K.

I used to dream of flying into outer space past the disco balls that light the night sky,

travelling to distant planets so I can see if the females on their planet are just as crazy

as Earth’s, but the way my fear of heights is setup I think I’ll just stick with the high I get

from eating Oreo cheesecake Netflix load.

I used to dream of marrying an educated woman with Reese brown skin, and a booty

that looks like she hiding two midgets in her back pockets. If I found woman like that I

would have to ask her, “Did you fall from heaven beloved, because so did Satan?”

I used to dream until I realized I have really big


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