I Might Have Feelings

Addressing a new dress that she
Bought has never been my main focus but her smile
Constantly creeps upon me,
Dimming the world around me,
Even making the sun seem like a shadow of itself.
Finding ways to standout is her
Gift but making my heart beat faster than dubstep is her specialty.
Hands that hold my life in them
Instantly becomes my greatest comfort and greatest fear.
Jealousy appears when another man who’s vertically winning is near.
Kindred spirit that exists beyond dimensions, that even
Love becomes a foreign object.
Maya Angelou inspires her steps
Never straying from her
Objective to simply be.
Part of what makes her great to me is that she can
Quote Maya Angelou and the Wu-Tang Clan in one breath.
Reasoning becomes obsolete when our
Souls meet.
The smell of tropical Fruits reaches my nose, she becomes my
Understanding in a world that doesn’t make sense.
Visually she’s the equivalent to the last piece pumpkin pie.
War and my peace.
Xanax in human form.
Yearning is out out of the norm but she is