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Great Moment In Black History: Rachel Dolezal

Hands down the best story of 2015 and the most flattering story if you're black person. Rachel Dolezal is the American Dream. She proved that you can be whatever you want to be and she chose to be black. 2015 will go down as the year that the nationality you are is totally your choice.

Rachel Dolezal spent the last 10 years of her life telling people she was black. She was so good at it that she even started to believe it herself. She probably got daily tans and had to curl her extra hard to give the illusion that she was without a doubt a,

"Strong independent black woman who don't need no man to take care of her."

*Snaps finger in a "Z" formation and twirls neck saying "Yaaaassss"*

That was probably a little extra but y'all get the point.

Now I'm not gonna say what she did was bad because being black is HHHAAARRRDDD!!!! Dopest experience you can ever have if done right but the fact remains it is difficult. The fact that she "willingly" wanted to be black is just wonderful feeling. Yeah she did "appropriate" the culture but she also helped it out. (Shea Butter Twitter please don't get mad at me.)

What I mean is that she was a better black person than most black people or at least she has done more for the black community than black people. She did become the head of the NAACP chapter in her city. She done more for black people in the last 10 years than most will do in their whole lives.

The main thing tho is that it doesn't matter what color she is. She was down for the "cause." She realized that the color of your skin isn't important. If anything we all need to be more like her and just be who or what we want to aspire to be and accept everyone's decision.... Unless you are trying to be a; Killer, rapist, or Tyga. If you are any of those three then you just need to go ahead die.

All right that's it. Remember this is 'Murica.

*American Flag drops in the background waving in all of its patriotic glory*

The land of opportunity. You can be whatever you want to be here. Just be happy and don't be Tyga.

Y'all be easy.

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