Album That Shaped Me Pt. 3

No album describes my mind state in college better than Pastor Future Christ's "Dirty Sprite 2." If you told me in high school that I would be listening to ratchet, turn up, druggy music, I would look at you like how I look at college algebra problems I can't solve.
College has got to be one of the most mentally stressful times in a person's life. These last two semesters, I have barely had anytime to just let my brain rest. I'm constantly thinking what I need to do, what still has to be done, and how hard it is to be a hoe.
That's what I like about Future Hendrix. He lets me give my brain a rest. I can get a contact high just from listening to his music. You know how much money that saves me on having to buy drugs?
More importantly, what this album has taught me is that drugs is never the answer to your problems tho.