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When a woman reclaims her virginity it's a personal choice. Maybe because she is rededicating herself to God or just because she wants her next relationship to be different. When a man reclaims his virginity I bet you 8/10 times it's just because he doesn't get laid like that.

Personally, I wish I was still a virgin or that at least for a girl that I actually cared about. But I didn't. Instead, I wasted on some random girl who's last name I don't even know. Can't tell you what her major is. Don't know if she has any siblings. Nope none of that. I just know she down for the get down and hopped right on her... inside her.... whatever works for you.

I just know that now I struggle with valuing a woman for more than her body.... unless she is funny.... then she way more valuable. I don't really know where I was trying to go with post but it's whatever because Kanye never know where he is going with rants either so dueces.


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