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Monogamy Sounds Dope..... I Guess......

So I just turned 22 in October. Honestly, once you have had your 21st birthday, 22 just doesn't seem that important. It was just another day. I didn't feel any different, no older, or wiser. Then 2016 rolled around around a slight shift in mindframe occurred.

Now anyone that knows will probably tell you that I may have some hoe-ish ways or hoe tendencies but I promise I am a loyal, faithful, black man.... on Halloween.

Anyway, either the 1st or 2nd Sunday of January I was getting ready for church. Nothing new all black men do it. I was brushing my teeth when all of sudden a strange thought popped into my head.

"Monogamy is actually a pretty dope concept."

It was a strange and unfamiliar thought to me. What was even stranger is that I started to break that thought down.

How is monogamy a dope concept?

  1. Pulling multiple females is HARD!!!

  2. You'll already have girl who is willing to let you touch her

  3. You can grab her booty and not get charged with sexual assault

  4. She might buy you stuff so you sort of get a return investments for your dates.

It took me 22 years to realize this. Now does it mean I'm 100% down with monogamy? Nah, but I am closer. Maybe one day I will tho.



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