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Is That Your Blog or Your Girl's Blog?

Piggy-backing off the last post I want to get deeper into the guts of the whole "Boss bitches wifing niggas" idea. What exactly is the problem with a man being in a relationship with a successful woman who also happens to make more money than you?

It is 2016. Women have come along way from being given away to some random dude with two middle black teeth, five yellow teeth, and dentures just for a cow that might get killed by the Big Bad Wolf after he fails at eating the Three Little Pigs. We got women in Congress (Hey Hillary), CEOs of companies (Call me Oprah), entertainers (SLAAAYYY QUEEN BEY!!!), and some of the highest paid athletes (Serena I just need three more years until I'm ready to commit).

Women these days are not the women are moms and our grandmas are. Some of these women are UFC fighters and will whoop a brother down. I don't have any kids but if I'm ever blessed (cursed) to have a daughter I would hope I can raise to be an amazing woman and provide her with the mindset that the only limitation she has is the one placed on herself. If the Lord sees fit to give me a son, then I would hope I raise to appreciate women and to realize that a girlfriend/wife is your partner. Y'all shouldn't be competing to see who makes the most money but then again that could be more motivation for the both of y'all to work harder.

Well it's whatever. Y'all do what y'all want.


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