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Major Key

Good morning world. Yes I know it's 11:21 at night but a major key to success is less sleep more work. While y'all lying in bed miscounting sheep going, "1,2,3,a,9,c," I'm up working. Creating. Envisioning. Realizing, that this world doesn't owe you anything but death.

Now I'd be a fool to think DJ Khaled is a genius but I'd also be a fool to not listen to anything he has to say. I mean dude does get pulled over on his jet ski like every other day and hasn't been to jail ONCE!!! If that doesn't scream success then I don't know what does.

Khaled gives you all the basic in his reality sh-- I mean Snapchat. He wakes and thanks the Lord, eats breakfast with his water (very important), and he meditates on the day before he actually starts any real work. Any other fool would think he just crazy man who doesn't have any friends but I see someone who purposefully looks for that alone time to gather his thoughts and energy before he focuses it into "winning."

Personally, I feel like that is the T.R.U. major key. We are so busy these things that we never seem to take the time to stop and enjoy what we have while also meditating and what we want. Sometimes the most important thing you can do to be successful is to sit back and just do nothing.



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